Design, implementation and management of green spaces – Technical and Operational Manual

By Dr.. Agr. Nabawy Metwaly


This book is a practical and comprehensive guide for anyone who wants to design or renovate your garden, terrace, balcony, porch. A beautiful garden is not born by chance, but is the balanced mix of many elements: the house, the fence, the access road, lawn, trees, shrubs, and more.

Create a garden do you mean to include these elements in a pleasant way and in harmony with the environment, without sacrificing the convenience and does cilitates maintenance of the green.
The text describes the various types of garden, also showing some examples of works already carried out. The treatment, comprehensive and easy to read, ranging from the creation of the gardens to the study of the planting of trees and construction of the turf, analyzing the main specialized topics, such as the choice of the most suitable plants, the lawn more appropriate plans maintenance and fertilization of ornamental plants, the identification of the major diseases of flowering plants and turf and the methods of struggle.

In light of the growing awareness towards. of environmental and landscape, this guide proves useful guide for anyone who wants to make a garden tailored, through all key stages, from choosing the style, the design up to the final result.